China International Forum

Organized and Co-Sponsored by the China Interest Group of ASN and the Chinese Nutrition Society

Monday, April 28, 2014
10:30 AM–12:30 PM


Xingen Lei, PhD, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Huanbiao Mo, PhD, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX


Keynote Speech by Professor Yuexin Yang


Current nutrition research status in China and CNS in the next 3-5 years


Presentations (12 min each)

-          Achievements and discoveries: collaboration projects between the US and China over the past 3 decades, Youfa Wang, MD, PhD, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

-          Frontiers of basic molecular nutrition research, Fudi Wang, MD, PhD, Zhejiang University

-          Advancing nutrition knowledge on metabolic diseases through collaborative research between the US and China, Chaodong Wu, PhD, Texas A & M University

-          Phytochemicals: anthocyanin, Wenhua Ling, PhD, Sun Yat-Sen University

-          An antioxidant capacity electrochemical meter, Xueji Zhang, PhD, University of Science & Technology Beijing


New Opportunities and Challenges for the Collaborations between the US and China:

HarvestPlus-China, a road to a healthy nation. Xingen Lei, PhD, Cornell University (10 min)


CIG Plans for Next Year, Leslie Shen, PhD, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (5 min)


Panel Discussion and Q & A with Audience (20 min)